What is the Academy Voucher?
The Kwadron PMU Academy Voucher streamlines your training process and rewards your dedication to teaching.
Here’s what you need to know:
When It’s Issued:
Every time a student registers for your training, the voucher is sent to them via email, along with your contact details, so they can reach out to schedule the training directly with you.
How It Works:
Once the training is complete, activate the voucher to:
- Unlock exclusive benefits for your student, including discounts and gifts.
- Earn points in the Academy’s upcoming loyalty program, designed to reward your dedication and engagement.
Important to Know
- The voucher is not a payment system. Students pay you directly, and the price listed on the Academy platform at registration is guaranteed—no hidden costs or surprises.
- Kwadron PMU Academy serves as a bridge between ProArtists and students, promoting excellence and providing a global platform. The Academy does not charge any commissions or fees for training sessions, nor do we act as an intermediary in the payment process.
- Your role as a trainer helps uphold the Academy’s high standards and fosters a supportive and professional community.